Signing up for a trip

All our trips have their own page with information about the trip (link at the bottom of this page). On the page of each trip, there is a link to a sign up form.

If you experience any technical issues when trying to sign up, please contact us or visit our rental store. 

Membership requirement

All our trips and activities are open to all. Our only requirement is that you are a member of IKSU (200 SEK/year). This is for insurance reasons. 

You can become a member online or by visiting IKSU sport or IKSU spa.


Some of our trips have prerequisites. This is for your own and other participants' safety. You can find the prerequisites for each trip on the trip page. If you have any questions regarding the prerequisites, please contact the guides on that trip. 


All of our guides are experienced outdoor people that have gone through at least 60 hours of training before becoming guides on our trips. 


Most of the equipment necessary for our trips can be found in our rental store Sarek. For example tents, sleeping bags, skis, stoves and much more. As a participant on a trip, you get a discount on rentals. Find more information by following the link at the bottom of this page. 

Cancellation policy

The terms and conditions of all our trips can be found in the Trip Agreement, which you will need to agree to when signing up for a trip. A link to the Trip Agreement can be found at the bottom of this page. 


Before most of our trips we have a mandatory pre-meeting at IKSU sport. The purpose of the pre-meeting is to make sure that the trip is safe and fun for all participants. On the pre-meeting you will get to meet the guides and other participants, receive detailed information about the trip and the chance to ask questions. We usually also visit our rental store and help you with any rentals needed. 

Travel arrangements

For most of our trips, we provide the necessary travel arrangements (e.g. by rental car or public transportation). More information about the travel arrangement of each trip can be found on the webpage of that specific trip. 

Contact us

If you have any further questions, please contact us.